
Introduction and Basic Fundamentals of Islam

What is Islam?

The word Islam comes from an Arabic word means “peace” and “submissions”. Islam teaches us that anyone around the world can find peace by submitting his or herself to Almighty God (Allah) in heart, deed and soul. The same Arabic root word gives us “Salaam alaykum”, (“Peace be with you”), the global Muslims greeting.

Who is a Muslim?

Anyone who believes in and willfully follows Islam is called a Muslim. This is also from Arabic root word. The religion of Muslim is called “Islam”, and anyone who believes in and follows it consciously is called “Muslim”.

How Many and Where?

Islam is a fastest growing world religion, with over 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide and still growing community.  It is considered one of the Abrahamic, monotheistic faiths. Muslims usually associated with the Arabs of the Middle East, but fact is that there are only 10% Muslims are in Arab. Muslims are found all over the world in every nation, race and color.

Who is Allah?

Allah is the proper name of Almighty God, and is often translated merely as “God”. There are other names too, those are used to describe Allah characteristics like, the Creator, the Merciful, the Sustainer, the Compassionate, etc.

All Muslims believe that Allah alone is the creator of this world. Allah is alone that deserves our devout worship and love. Islam holds to a strict monotheism. Any worship and prayers directed at saints, prophets, other human being or nature is considered idolatry.

What do Muslims believe about God, prophets, the afterlife, etc.?

The basic beliefs of Muslims fall into six main categories. These are also known as the “Articles of Faith”:
  • Faith in the unity of God
  • Faith in prophets
  • Faith in angels
  • Faith in books of revelation
  • Faith in an afterlife
  • Faith in destiny/divine decree

The "five pillars" of Islam:
In Islam, good works and faith go hand-in-hand. Only verbal declaration of faith is not enough, for a strong belief in Allah makes obedience to Him a duty.

The Muslim concept of worship is very clear. Muslims consider everything they do in their life to be an act of worship, if it is done according to Allah’s guidance. There are also five formal acts of worship which help strengthen a Muslim’s obedience and faith. They are often called the “Five Pillars of Islam.”
  • Testimony of faith (Shahaadah or Kalima)
  • Prayer (Salat)
  • Almsgiving (Zakat)
  • Fasting (Sawm)
  • Pilgrimage (Hajj)

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